Fantastic Jquery Tab Social Follow is the Follow Widget Plugin. It Automatically Shows the Follow your Your from Widget in your WordPress Site. By this You Can Use Different types of Social Follow. Its Automatically Display When using Shortcode [fantasticjquerytabsocialfollow]
Once the Plugin is activated it automatically works.
- It works Automatically when the Plugin is activated.
- It has Three Different Settings in Admin Panel of Plugin.
- In the General Settings Options to disable the plugin by Checkbox.
- In the Jquery Tab Width of the Tab is an Option.
- In the Design Settings Color Customization for different designs.
- Works in Major Browsers.
- Simple and Easy to Use.
How To Install:
There are two ways to install the Plugin. One is the Automatic Installation and another is the Manual Installation.
Automatic Installation:
- Automatic Installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers and you don’t even have to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Fantastic Jquery Tab Social Follow in to your WordPress admin panel and go to: Plugins -> Add New.
- In the “Upload” field browse Plugin zip folder “” and click upload. You can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked to Activate Plugin or Return to Plugins Page. Click Activate Plugin and the installation will automatically complete.
Manual Installation:
- Unzip the Plugin zip file (“”).
- Using an FTP program or your hosting control panel, upload the unzipped Plugin folder to your WordPress installation’s wp-content/plugins directory.
- Go to Settings->Fantastic Jquery Tab Social Follow for the admin customization.
- The Plugin works once you click “Activate”.
The minimum Server Requirements are as follows
- PHP 5.3.0 or greater
- MySQL 5.0 or greater
Browser Compatibility:
Fantastic Jquery Tab Social Follow works fine with all top browsers such as IE8.0 +, Mozilla, Chrome, Safari, Opera etc.
Theme Compatibility:
Fantastic Jquery Tab Social Follow works fine with all the themes that are supported by WordPress.